Event ID 1792 NTDS Database: A transaction lasts minutes and seconds, much longer than expected. (The caller is SAM.) Long-running transactions contribute to the depletion of version store.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Event ID: 1792
Source NTDS Database 
Type Warning 
Description A transaction lasts <number> minutes and <number> seconds, much
longer than expected. (The caller is SAM.) Long-running transactions
contribute to the depletion of version store. When version store is exhausted
all directory operations will fail. Please contact Microsoft Product Support
Services for assistance. 
This has kept coming for some days in the Directory-eventlog. Also got some
of these in the DNS-log:
Event ID: 4016
Source DNS 
Type Error 
Description The DNS server timed out attempting an Active Directory service
operation on ---.  Check Active Directory to see that it is functioning
properly. The event data contains the error. 

There are 2 DC`s in the domain, 1 Win 2000 and 1 Win 2003.
The only hit I found on some quick searching was to check id the RAID is
healthy. This is checked ok.
For the error 4016.
- If you're having this error at system startup you can safely ignore it,
the DNS service is starting before AD and fails to contact.
However if you want you can rebuild the DNS follow the following steps:
- Make sure that every domain controller has its DNS properties under NIC
configuration pointing to itself. (If DC IP Address is then Dns
should be
- Make sure that every DNS server can resolve all domains in the forest.
(Use Forwarding, Stub Zones or Secondary Zones).
- Make sure that all clients Only uses the local(s) Dns Server.
* Delete the forward zone and the reverse lookup zone on server:
*delete the files netlogon.dnb and netlogon.dns from
*uninstall DNS, remove DNS directory.
*Install DNS.
*create the forward lookup zone and the reverse lookup zone make them AD
integrated, for security purposes make sure that the zones only accept
secure only - updates.
*restart the netlogon service, confirm the creation of the files
netlogon.dnb and netlogon.dns on %systemroot%\system32\config
*run ipconfig /registerdns
*run netdiag /fix
Refer: 221790


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