Features :
- Confidently download, share and open files from friends, family, co-workers – and even total strangers!
- Protect your identity: shop, bank, listen, watch privately and securely
- Guard your conversations with top-of-the line encryption
- Connect securely to any network at home, in the office or away
- Protect your family and their computers!
- Get fine-tuned performance from your computer !
A genuine License of BitDefender Total security will cost you $69.95 for one year single PC user. Trial period offered is 30 days so, ater the expiry of trial period, you can extend its license by using following steps.
If you are in Germany, go directly to the promotional page otherwise use German proxy to get the license for free.
1. Go to http://www.proxy-service.de
2. Follow any of the given promotional link
3. Fill the Form as per :
4. Check your email for 20 digit Genuine License key
5. Download BitDefender Total security 2009 (if you don’t have) and enter that key when prompted on registration wizard to get 180 days / Months License.