You can get a Free 6 months key for Avira Antivir Premium by following the steps below:
1. Go to Avira Promotional Site.
2. Fill in your details as shown below and click on Lizenz Anfordem.
3. Then click on Lizenzubersicht to get the license key, by clicking the key icon.
4. Now Download Avira and Enter the key to use it for 6 months.
How to Load a license Key ??
1. Check your email, you should receive a mail from Avira. Open the mail and find your attachment named “HBEDV.KEY“. This is your license key. Observe that this license is only valid for 6 months, and it already mention the expire date for this license key.
2.Install Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition. After installation complete, go to Help -> Load license file… and select the license file which you just received. Done.