How to Locate a Program on your Computer (Windows)
Mozilla Application
Have you ever deleted a program icon from your desktop and now you cannot find it on Windows? Or is your computer so cluttered its hard to navigate? Well here is the quickest way to find a program so you can get on your way!
Difficulty: Easy
Things You'll Need:
· Microsoft Windows
· Computer
1. Step 1
Start Menu
The very first thing you need to do after the computer is powered up and you are logged on is go to your desktop. Click the start menu on the bottom left corner. (I am using Windows Vista, but all versions of Microsoft Windows should be very similar for this how-to)
2. Step 2
Microsoft Vista Search
Next you will see a text bar saying "start search". Click in here and type in the program you are searching for. If you look at the image, you will notice I have typed "Microsoft", I am part of the way through typing "Microsoft Word". The search has already brought up anything that has the title "Microsoft"
3. Step 3
Windows, Microsoft Office Word
Once you have typed the program in completely, you will notice that it pops right up above the search bar and you can click on it from there!
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