How to Make a Text Icon in five minutes

Monday, August 24, 2009

How to Make a Text Icon in five minutes

Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

Okay, so sometimes you see a text icon that’s really pretty, but you sit back and think to yourself “man that quote is really tacky.” Why look around hours for a text icon you like when you can make one yourself in five minutes or less?

Difficulty: Easy


1.      Step 1

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    There are plenty of websites that have quotes. The community “quotexwhore” on livejournal has tons and tons of quotes. You may draw inspiration from your favorite tv show or your favorite song lyric. Keep it short. If it goes over two lines it will probably be too long to fit on a 100x100 icon. Make sure the quote makes sense and there are no grammatical errors such as “your my love” instead of “you’re my love.”

2.      Step 2

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    You can search Deviant art for textures. You can save the textures and use them as a background. But give credit where credit is due. You may also choose to use a background girl or simply leave it white.

3.      Step 3

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    Typically the way I make icons is by using a print font for most of the icon. Then, to emphasize a certain word I use a cursive font. Some of my favorite fonts are “Champagne and Limousines,” “Violation,” and “Holiday Home”. These fonts do not typically come with your computer. You must download them from a site such as Download the font put it in a folder where you know it’s at. Then, in order to install the font go to control panel>classic view>install new font (you may have to right click for this option)>Find the folder you put the font in and install.

4.      Step 4

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    4. COLORS
    Picking the right colors for your icon can help to show what the icon is about. You wouldn’t want to use pink and black for an icon about sarcasm. Use colors to show what you’re expressing in your icon. Make sure the colors are easy on the eyes. It’s best to use one bright, non-neutral color such as green, light blue, pink, red, or purple. The best of the colors should be neutrals like white, black, gray, or navy. Three colors for a text icon is about the most you should go without looking like an amateur.

5.      Step 5

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    5. BORDERS
    Adding borders may make your icon bigger than will be allowed on a site like

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