Download Windows’ Missing or Corrupt Legacy DLLs

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Download Windows’ Missing or Corrupt Legacy DLLs

Windows Vista shipped without including a number of DLL files for legacy graphics engines like Direct3D. When attempting to use games or 3D applications that require these DLLs, users can get a range of "required DLL missing" error messages.

Additionally, we've noticed that there are quite a few searches on the internal Petri search engines for replacement DLL files for applications like Windows Media Player, Quickbooks, Windows Mobile Sync, and others. As a result, we've compiled the following list of sites that offer an explanation of the functions of these common Dynamic Link Library (.dll's) and have referenced replacement copies of the files available for download.

Direct3D DLLs for Windows Vista:

Application-Specific DLLs:

As always, use caution when editing the \system32 folder contents.


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