1. BCA - I Sem (Distance Education)Result
2. MCA-III Sem (Distance Education) Result
3. PGDCA - I Sem (Distance Education) Result
Students can check their Jaipur National University Ph.D Result 2011 at official website of Jaipur National University : http://jnujaipur.ac.in/ or you can check following direct link to see your Jaipur National University Ph.D Result 2011.
Jaipur National University Result : VIEW HERE
Jaipur National University aims to meet the demands of knowledge and learning of life-skills with a difference. Knowledge savvy studies, semester system, ongoing evaluation, advisory system, functional research, integrated dual and joint degree programmes are its salient features.
Please log on to official website of Jaipur National University : http://jnujaipur.ac.in/ for more information.
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