OPTCL - OPTCL Recruitment 2011 - apply now - www.optcl.co.in - Last date 07.05.2011 : The Orissa Power Transmission Corporation Limited (OPTCL) - A Govt. of Orissa Undertaking announces so many Job / Vacancies every years for fulfill the current recruitment. At Preset, OPTCL has announced the Recruitment 2011 for the post of Management Trainees / Management Trainees Junior (Civil, Electrical, Finance). As per announcement, OPTCL has published the detailed notification (Advertisement No.01 dated 07.04.2011) along with application form based on the Management Trainees / Management Trainees Junior Recruitment 2011. All the main details like number of vacancies, age limit, pay scale, application fee, how to apply, mode of selection, qualification & eligibility etc. regarding OPTCL Recruitment 2011 - apply now - www.optcl.co.in are given as follow. Interested & Eligible candidates can apply before the last date of receipt the application form. The last date of receip [...]
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