How Al Qaeda Leader Anwar al-Awlaki Was Tracked And Killed By A Drone Strike

Monday, October 3, 2011

How America Finally Caught Up With Anwar al-Awlaki -- The Telegraph

The capture of a low-level errand-runner was the key breakthrough that led to the al-Qaeda leader's death, report Adam Baron and Majid al-Kabsi in Sana'a, Colin Freeman and Sean Rayment, Defence Correspondent.

As he sat by a roadside eating what would be his last ever breakfast, Anwar al-Awlaki could have been forgiven for being in upbeat mood. Some 18 months after Washington had given him arguably the ultimate terrorist accolade by putting him on a list of people authorised for assassination, he was still hiding in the lawless Yemeni mountains where neither his own government nor US drone strikes could seem to reach him.

Then, as he and his comrades chewed dates and drank traditional Yemeni tea, a high-pitched buzz above them signalled yet another drone strike - thi [...]

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