How to Buy Stocks That Will Make Money
We live in a world today where there are many opportunites to make money. However, sometimes it seems that the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. Here are some tips on how to make some sound financial moves and make money.
Difficulty: Challenging
Things You'll Need:
· internet access
· time
1. Step 1
Whenever buying stock, the most simple idea is to buy when stock is down, and sell when up. It seems like an easy concept, but it is not that easy. Sometimes stocks rise and fall, and there is no way to truly predict what the outcome will be on a day to day basis. For this reason, you have to realize that day-trading is for the pro's.
2. Step 2
Whenever you buy a stock, you must be willing to hold the stock for an extended period of time, sometimes even years. When a stock gets low, you have to have the patience to hold the stock, or even buy more, so when the value goes back up, you make bunches of money. If you are not a day-trader, why sell a stock for a loss? The only way you should lose money on a stock is if the company you invested in goes bankrupt.
3. Step 3
Now the question is, what company's stock do I buy? Try and look at websites that show the value of the stock, 52 week lows and highs, and press releases. This information can give you a pretty good idea on whether or not you are making a sound financial investment. Also, listen to the analysts you see on TV. Chances are they have information that we do not have access to and can help persuade us against a bad decision, or help us make a good decision we are worried about.
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